Kirk's BalloonCraft 2000 Page

This is a BalloonCraft 2000 that I purchased.

BalloonCraft 2000
(I borrowed this picture, I'll have a picture of mine soon)

It is a remote controlled balloon. Very fun! Check out the ToyTronix Web Site or the review at R/C Microflight or the other review at E Zone Magazine.
This is a wonderfull remote controlled aircraft that you can fly in your living room and it costs < $80!
We are a long ways away from having a heavier than air aircraft that are that you can fly in your living room at that low cost!
The vehicle works as advertised on the above web sites. I was able to find Helium at KMart for $20 for 8.9 Cubic Feet. I estimate this should be good for 6 complete fills. I will look for cheaper sources of helium once I run out.

Send comments, suggestions to: Kirk Crawford